The financial support we provide our missionaries and mission organizations does not come from our general budget but through a unique giving opportunity known as FAITH PROMISE—an amount of money you believe the Lord will provide to missions through your hands. You pray. He answers.

Faith Promise giving is separate from your general giving and may be given all at once, through regular contributions, or at various times during the year. No one checks up on your commitment—it’s between you and God. Make your commitment then prepare to watch for how He provides the funds. A small refund here, a yard sale there, maybe extra hours at work that catch you by surprise—the Lord will provide. Your faith will be increased as you watch His power unfold in your life!

Our missions team uses the total amount of Faith Promises committed to help them in preparing the missions budget for the next year. You can use the form below to confidentially submit your Faith Promise amount online. You only need to include your name and contact info if you would like the church office to keep a confidential record of your commitment. You can also print a Faith Promise commitment card from the button below, complete it and drop in the offering plate or a GIVING BOX during Sunday worship. Another option is to mail your card to Redeemer Church, Attn: Vicki Adams, 3750 Zoar Church Road, Snellville, GA, 30039.

Return or submit your Faith Promise by Sunday, March 2. We will announce the Grand Total from all submissions received and this figure will be used to prepare our 2025 Mission budget.


  • You only need to include your name and contact info if you would like the church office to keep a confidential record of your commitment. You can submit your Faith Promise anonymously and the amount will be used in calculating the grand total Faith Promise commitments for missions budget purposes. NOTE: Pledges are only viewed by Vicki Adams, our financial administrator, as she calculates the Faith Promise grand total. Your amount and information is completely confidential and never shared with anyone.
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