In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted. Sing to the Lord, for He has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world.” Isaiah 12:4-5
FEBRUARY 21, 23 & MARCH 1, 2
We’ll explore and celebrate what God is doing in missions for all peoples of the earth! We’ll aim to DEVOTE our whole hearts to His service, LEARN how He is moving through His faithful missionaries, and WORSHIP Him.
We’ll be giving away a special door prize at Sessions 1, 2, 4, & 5. Be sure to pick up a door prize ticket in the lobby when you arrive!
Friday, February 21
7:00 PM
Join us for coffee, dessert, & worship
Guest speaker:
Live Stream Available
View recorded live stream
of Session 1 below
Saturday, February 24
8:30 AM
Join us for a delicious breakfast
fellowship and guest speaker,
Bill Dando, with Fellowship of
Christian Athletes
10:30 AM
Learn about volunteer opportunities
at the shelter Family Promise runs
for children and their families
experiencing homelessness.
Meet at 757 Moon Rd
Lawrenceville 30046
Learn more about Promise Haven >
View recorded live stream below
Sunday, February 23
9:00 AM
Join us for a Continental Breakfast
Guest missionaries will share
exciting updates from the field!
10:30 AM
Guest Speaker:
View recorded live stream below
View recorded live stream of
Sessions 2 & 3 below
Live Stream Available
Click below to watch Sessions 2 & 3 at listed times above
Saturday, March 1
6:00 PM
Guest Speaker:
Author & Global Strategist
Live Stream Available
View recorded live stream
of Session 4 below
Sunday, March 2
9:00 AM
Join us for a Continental Breakfast
Guest missionaries will share
exciting updates from the field!
10:30 AM
Guest Speaker:
Author & Global Strategist
Live Stream Available
Click below to watch Sessions 5 & 6 at listed times above
View recorded live stream
of Session 5 & 6 below
What is Faith Promise?
These are words you will hear mentioned throughout our Missions Conference and you might be wondering exactly what is “Faith Promise.” Redeemer Church embraced Faith Promise many years ago as a way to devote our hearts fully to God and provide support for the missionaries He connects us with. It is an amount of money you believe the Lord will provide to missions through your hands.
Faith Promise giving is separate from your regular giving (tithing) and may be given all at once, through regular contributions, or at various times during the year, depending on when the Lord provides it to you. No one checks up on your promise—it’s between you and God. You pray. He answers! These faithful promises made only between God and each individual have changed lives in ways we could never have imagined! Be prepared to watch for how He provides the funds. Your faith will be increased as you watch His power unfold in your life.
During our Missions Event, we encourage everyone to be in prayer asking God to place an amount on your heart to commit to missions. Before the end of the event, we invite you to anonymously or confidentially offer this amount online or in person so that it can be added to Redeemer’s 2025 Faith Promise grand total which will be announced at the Sunday worship service on March 2. This grand total amount is used by our missions team to guide them in preparing the annual missions budget.
Our Mission Partners
Redeemer supports our Mission Partners below through our Faith Promise giving.
- Cafe 1040
- Christian Aid Mission
- Christian Job Corps
- Family Promise of Gwinnett
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Global Frontier Missions
- Haggai International
- Haiti Education Foundation
- Hope of Peace Foundation
- Living Waters for the World
- Luis Palau Association
- Love Ministries
- Obria Medical Clinic
- One Mission Society
- Outreach Foundation – Egypt Initiative
- Street Grace
- Southeast Gwinnett Coop
- Watauga Vision
- Wycliffe Bible Translators
- Youth With A Mission
These are words you will hear mentioned throughout our Missions Conference and you might be wondering exactly what is “Faith Promise.” Redeemer Church embraced Faith Promise many years ago as a way to devote our hearts fully to God and provide support for the missionaries He connects us with. It is an amount of money you believe the Lord will provide to missions through your hands.
Faith Promise giving is separate from your regular giving (tithing) and may be given all at once, through regular contributions, or at various times during the year, depending on when the Lord provides it to you. No one checks up on your promise—it’s between you and God. You pray. He answers! These faithful promises made only between God and each individual have changed lives in ways we could never have imagined! Be prepared to watch for how He provides the funds. Your faith will be increased as you watch His power unfold in your life.
During our Missions Event, we encourage everyone to be in prayer asking God to place an amount on your heart to commit to missions. Before the end of the event, we invite you to anonymously or confidentially offer this amount online or in person so that it can be added to Redeemer’s 2023 Faith Promise grand total which will be announced at the Sunday worship service on February 26. This grand total amount is used by our missions team to guide them in preparing the annual missions budget.
We invite you to join us in praying for missions and our special celebration. For 24 hours on February 14 & 15, we’ll cover the Missions Conference in prayer. To participate, sign up below for a designated 30-min time period. Prayer coverage is done in your home and you’ll receive an automatic email reminder 4 days prior to the day you sign up for. In the section below, we offer a helpful prayer guide.
Below are links to a mobile or printable guide that offers some direction on specific items we invite you to cover in prayer for the conference.
We invite you to join us in praying for missions and our special celebration. Below are links to a mobile or printable guide that offers some direction on specific items to pray for.