Special events and activities are planned throughout the year to bring our men together in ways to deepen their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ and sometimes to have just plain old fun! Events and activities are listed on our EVENTS page and announced in Sunday worship bulletins, mobile app, website, and weekly e-newsletter (click here to subscribe).
Saturdays | 8:30 a.m.
All men are invited to come for a delicious breakfast, fellowship, and an encouraging message! Do you know someone who needs to get connected with other men seeking after God? This could be a neighbor, a co-worker, a friend, or even a son. Invite them to come with you! Your invitation may be the catalyst they need in their spiritual journey.
Meets in Fellowship Room. Check our EVENTS page, mobile app, email newsletter, or Sunday bulletin for the next scheduled breakfast.
Sundays | Online | 6:00 p.m.
New participants always welcome any time! Our study will provide you an opportunity to meet other Redeemer men, make new friends, and grow deeper in God’s word.
Meets online through Zoom. For more info and to request online meeting link, email mensbiblestudy@redeemerpc.com or call/text John Sharp at 770-846-2589.
CURRENT STUDY | Hearing God’s Voice by Henry & Richard Blackaby | Based on classic Experiencing God principles, Hearing God’s Voice is for those who are ready to listen. Authors Henry Blackaby and his son Richard help those who are listening to discern the voice of God, to identify ways He speaks, and to respond to His revelations of His will. God speaks to individuals in ways that are personal and unique to each person. God will never say anything that contravenes what He has said in the Bible, and usually He confirms what He has said. After you learn to listen to God, hearing from God will be as natural as communicating with a close friend.