If you’re on a journey searching for God, maybe just moved into the community, or looking for a church to join to grow in your faith in Jesus Christ, you are welcome here at Redeemer! We look forward to getting to know you, helping you grow, and showing you how to become involved in our church family.
Redeemer 101
The first next step at Redeemer is to learn more about the church family you’re interested in joining! We want you to feel right at home and have an opportunity to learn more about the unique DNA and heartbeat of Redeemer. Our 101 Class is the best place to start!
What to Expect
Our pastor and ministry leaders will guide you through a little history about Redeemer, our mission, strategy, and core values as a community of faith, and specific ways you can connect in our church family. We’ll provide interactive discussions where you can ask questions and share conversations with our leaders and other participants who are also considering their next steps at Redeemer.
Whether you’ve joined us for just a few visits or you’ve been with us longer, the 101 class let’s you explore the possibility of taking your commitment and your faithfulness a little bit deeper as a member, or as we like to say “Covenant Partner,” with our church family. There is no obligation or pressure to taking the additional step of becoming a Covenant Partner, but if you find this is something you’d like to do, our 101 class is the preparation for that.
Next Redeemer 101 Class
To Be Announced
Check back here or watch for an announcement in our weekly newsletter and Sunday bulletin.
Next Redeemer 101 Class
Sunday, February 2 • 3:30-5:00PM
We will meet in Room 204 and light snacks will be served. Childcare is not available.
Registration is requested so we can plan well for materials and snacks. If you have questions, reach out to Terri Manuel, our Communications Director, at 770-979-2467, ext. 102 or terrimanuel@redeemerpc.com.